Краткая биография Златы Коцич (на английском языке). Фото поэтессы

Zlata Kocich
Фото Златы Коцич. Foto Zlata Kocichpoet, essayist, translator

фото Злата КоцичBorn in 1950 in ZZeljevo, Serbia. Graduated from the Slavic Department of the
Faculty of Philology in Belgrade. Member of the Writers’ Association of Serbia from 1985.

Collections of poetry:

Trap for a shadow (1982),
Hora around a Crater (1990),
The Rib (1993),
Nest and a Dome (1995).

Plays (in verse):

The Edge (1996),
Good Morning, Water (1998).
Collections of essays: The Lights of Mount Rtanj (1996, on the poetry of Miodrag Pavlovic).


Boris Godunov by A.S. Pushkin,
Poems by F. Tiutchev,
Poems by Marina Tsvetayeva, Urania by J.Brodsky,
Works and Days of Nun Lavinia by Elena Schwartz,
Dark Rows of Trees by I.Bunin, Master and Margarita by M.Bulgakov,
What Do I Say to a Rook by V.Rasputin.

Literary awards:

“Rade Drainac” (for Three Rib),
“Jovan Maksimovich”
(for the translation of I.Bunin),
“The Nolit Award” (for the translation of Bulgakov).

11000 Beograd, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 231182;