Библиография Афры Бен (на английском языке). Портрет поэтессы

Библиография Афры Бен (на английском языке). Портрет поэтессы

Оригинал материала находится по адресу:

Афра Бен. Портрет авторства сэра Питера Лели.


Poems on Several Occasions (1684)
Miscellany (1685)
Complete Works of Aphra Behn: Poetry (1992)
Selected Poems (1993)
The Poems of Aphra Behn: A Selection (1994)


The Forced Marriage (1670)
The Amourous Prince (1671)
The Dutch Lover (1677)
Abdelazer (1677)
The Town Fop (1677)
The Rover (1677)
Sir Patient Fancy (1678)
The Feigned Courtesans (1679)
The City Heiress (1682)
The Young King (1683)
The Lucky Chance (1687)
The Emperor of the Moon (1687)
The Widow Ranter (1689)
The Younger Brother (1696)
Five Plays (1990)
The Rover, the Feigned Courtesans, the Lucky Chance, the Emperor of the Moon (2000)


Love Letters Between a Nobleman and His Sister (1683)
The Lover’s Watch (1686)
Oroonoko (1688)
The Fair Jilt (1688)
Agnes de Castro (1688)
Oroonoko: An Authoritative Text Historical Backgrounds Criticism (1997)


The Novels of Mrs Aphra Behn (1905)
The Works of Aphra Behn (1915)
Selected Writings of the Ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn (1958)
Oroonoko and Other Stories (1986)
The Uncollected Works of Aphra Behn (1989)
Five Plays (1990)
Seneca Unmasqued and Other Prose Translations (1993)
Oroonoko and Other Prose Narratives (1993)
Oroonoko and Other Writings (1994)
The Fair Jilt and Other Stories (1995)
Oroonoko, the Rover and Other Works (1999)
The Rover, the Feigned Courtesans, the Lucky Chance, the Emperor of the Moon (2000)


Aphra Behn: Dispatch’d from Athole: the journal of Aphra Behn’s secret mission to Scotland in 1689


Aphra Behn’s Afterlife. Jane Spencer. (Oxford University Press, 2001).
The Theatre of Aphra Behn. Derek Hughes. (Palgrave Macmillan, 2001).
Women, Writing, and the Theater in the Early Modern Period: The Plays of Aphra Behn and Susanne Centlivre. Annette Kreis-Schinck. (Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Press, 2001).
Aphra Behn. Ed. Janet Todd. (St. Martin’s Press, 1999).
Aphra Behn’s English Feminism: Wit and Satire. Dolors Altaba-Artal. (Susquehanna Univ Press, 1999).
The Critical Fortunes of Aphra Behn. Janet M. Todd. (Camden House, 1998).
The Secret Life of Aphra Behn. Janet Todd. (Andre Deutsch, 1996).
Aphra Behn Studies. Ed. Janet Todd. (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1996).
Aphra Behn. S. J. Wiseman. (Northcote House, 1996).
Shakespeare, Aphra Behn and the Canon. W. R. Owens & Lizbeth Goodman. (Routledge, 1996).
The Discourse of Slavery: Aphra Behn to Toni Morrison. Ed. Carl Plasa & Betty J. Ring. (Routledge, 1994).
Rereading Aphra Behn: History, Theory, and Criticism. Ed. Heidi Hutner. (Univ. Press of Virginia, 1993).
The Colonial Rise of the Novel: From Aphra Behn to Charlotte Bronte. Firdous Azim. (Routledge, 1993).
Aphra Behn: The English Sappho. George Woodcock. (Black Rose Books, 1989).
The Mental World of Stuart Women: Three Studies. Sara Heller Mendelson. (Univ of Massachusetts Press, 1987).
Aphra Behn. Adelaide P. Amore. (University Press of America, 1987).
Aphra Behn: An Annotated Bibliography of Primary and Secondary sources. Mary Ann O’Donnell. (Garland, 1986).
The Rise of the Woman Novelist: From Aphra Behn to Jane Austen. Jane Spencer. (Blackwell Publishers, 1986).
Four Restoration Playwrights: A Reference Guide to Thomas Shadwell, Aphra Behn, Nathaniel Lee, and Thomas Otway. J.M. Armistead and Werner Bies. (Hall, 1984).
Women of Ideas: And What Men Have Done to Them: From Aphra Behn to Adrienne Rich. Dale Spender. (Routledge Kegan & Paul, 1983).
Reconstructing Aphra: A Social Biography of Aphra Behn. Angeline Goreau. (Dial, 1980).
The Passionate Shepherdess: Aphra Behn 1640-89. Maureen Duffy. (Cape, 1977).
Aphra Behn. Frederick M. Link. (Twayne Publishing, 1968).
Plot, Characterization, and Theme in the Plays of Aphra Behn. Alberta Gregg Barrett. (Philadelphia, 1966).
New Light on Aphra Behn. Ed. William Cameron. (Univ. of Auckland Press, 1961).
Aphra Behn. Emily Hahn. (Jonathan Cape, 1951).
The Incomparable Aphra. George Woodcock. (Boardman, 1948).
Aphra Behn: the Incomparable Astrea. Vita Sackville-West. (Gerald Howe Ltd., 1927).