Подборка стихотворений Бьорк (на английском языке)

Подборка стихотворений Бьорк (на английском языке)


i can sense it
something important
is about to happen
it’s coming up

it takes courage to enjoy it
the hardcore and the gentle
big time sensuality

we just met
and i know i’m a bit too intimate
but something is coming up
and we’re both included

it takes courage ti enjoy ut
the hardcore and the gentle
big time sensuality

i don’t know my future after this weekend
and i don’t want to

it takes courage to enjoy it
the hardcore and the gentle
big time sensuality

* * *

We live on a mountain
right at the top
there’s a beautiful view
from the top of the mountain
every morning i walk towards the edge
and throw little things off
Car-parts, bottles and cutlery
or whatever i find lying around

It’s become a habit
a way
to start the day

I go through this
before you wake up
so I can feel happier
to be safe up here with you

It’s real early morning
no-one is awake
I’m back at my cliff
still throwing things off
I listen to the sounds they make
on their way down
I follow with my eyes ’til they crash
imagine what my body would sound like
slamming against those rocks

And when it lands
will my eyes
be closed or open?

I’ll go through all this
before you wake up
so i can feel happier
to be safe up here with you


you’ll be given love
you’ll be taken care of
you’ll be given love
you have to trust it

maybe not from the sources
you have poured yours (into)
maybe not from the directions
you are staring at

trust your head around
it’s all around you
all is full of love
all around you

all is full of love
you just aint receiving
all is full of love
your phone is off the hook
all is full of love
your doors are all shut
all is full of love!


all is full of love
all is full of love
all is full of love
all is full of love
all is full of love


Walking, attacked by a seagull, attack,
Continous reflection, once killed a seagull
Can the animals revenge, seagull our souls,
flying free
Abuse another, then just abusing myself, I wonder
Flying down the stairs, sucked out of the door
Crawling up to the pillar onto a line
I want to: glide-birds onto a line
She’s coming, tries to bite
Open the window and let the souls fly free


Watch….how he docks and
wings away from satellites
Stretches…..come, head south
Spreading out
Growing, growing
I’m growing longer
So fingertips touches the glittering skies
And the toes are in the math
Toes are in the math
Every stab
Every stand
He is gone
I am gone
Everyone is gone
Listen to the connection above the sky
And connected down under
Every stab
Every field
Every farm
He is gone
I am gone
Everyone is….
Everyone is gone

(Opnaрu gluggann svo sбlin geti flogi frjбls)

Our task is reality. Our aim is reality. From reality we draw our
breath. From our wishes we get our will. We need all our
wishes to become true. So they will become true. We need to
eliminate those who try their best to stop our wishes becoming
true. Those who try to close the window into our faces. Open the
window and let our souls fly free.
Let us get rid of the bomb.
We ask those who are versed in alchemy, cosmic orgone,
paraphysics, tesla, pshycotronics, ultra-relativity,
g-strain energetics, zothyran physics, fourier trance formation,
psionics, bio-synthesis, fan shih, quantum-physicks,
tanmatra-transmission, para-vidya, eluthery, laelia-aelia,
gur-preparation, enantiodromy, lein-tan, pao-pu-tsu, chin-tan,
chandrakala, urheka and mega-mathematics to assist in the most
supreme transmutation: that of uranium and other radio-active
metals into giving, not taking forces. Laymen and priests of all
beliefs and credos and invited to lend their mind to this
experiment. Scan out your brothers and sisters and link up now.
A black eye. I didn’t think I needed one. I thought I was
indestructible. A black eye to wake me up. My alarm. It was an alarm
or me that I needed one to realize my reality. A black eye. An
ugly vision of my life. To evoke my feelings and doings. A black
eye to realize the atrocities. The ugliness which we are
confronted with everyday. To wake me up from my sleep. To avoid me
getting the long sleep. A black eye. To liven up my numb thoughts
and feelings for what is reality. To step me out of the movie
and farce. A black eye to understand it wasn’t just in the movies.
A black eye. MAde me scream with angst and scare. My
scream was not from the origin of pain. Nor because I got out of
bed on the wrong side and walked in to the wall. It was
because it was my life, our existence, slowly been taken away by
somebody else. Numb no more. To remind me. A black eye.


The moon to be my source
My life, my reality
I am going to take
A moonbath
Seems firstly as breathing
Scratching, giving, standing


you think you’re denying me of something
well, I’ve got plenty
you’re the one who’s missing out
but you won’t notice
’til after five years
if you’ll live that long
you’ll wake up
all loveless

I dare you
to take me on
I dare you-ooh
to show me your palms

I’m so bored with cowards
that say they want
and then they can’t handle

you can’t handle love
you can’t handle love
you just can’t handle

I dare you
to take me on
I dare you
to show me your palms

what’s so scary?
not a threat in sight
you just can’t handle
you can’t handle love

you can’t handle love, baby
you can’t handle love
it’s obvious
you can’t handle

I dare you
to take me on
I dare you
to show me your palms

I’m so bored of cowards
that say they want
then they can’t handle

you can’t handle love, baby
you can’t handle love,
it’s obvious
you can’t handle
I dare you
to take me on
I dare you
to show me your palms
I’m so bored of cowards
that say they want
then they can’t handle

you can’t handle love, baby
you can’t handle love,
it’s obvious
you can’t handle

I dare you!
I dare you!
I dare you-ooh!
I dare you!


if you ever get close to a human
and human behaviour
be ready, be ready to get confused

there’s definitely,definitely, definitely no logic
to human behaviour
but yet so, yet so irresistible

and there is no map

they’re terribly, terribly, terribly moody
oh human behaviour
then all of a suddenly turn happy

but, oh, to get involved in the exchange
of human emotions
is ever so, ever so satisfying

and there is no map!

human behaviour
human behaviour
human behaviour
human behaviour

and there is no map!
and a compass wouldn’t help at all!

human behaviour
human behaviour
human behaviour
human behaviour

there’s definitely, definitely, definitely no logic…

there’s definitely, definitely, definitely no logic…


I live by the ocean
and during the night
I dive into it
down to the bottom
underneath all currents
and drop my anchor

this is where I’m staying
this is my home

I live by the ocean
and during the night
I dive into it
down to the bottom
underneath all currents
and drop my anchor

this is where I’m staying
this is my home


once I spoke to an old
man in old clothes
I was walking down by the harbour
he was standing on the peer

he told me of this special country
far away it is
and now it is as something has
changed inside of me

Alta Mira – it is the adventure land
Alta Mira – my thoughts take me there
Alta Mira – it is the adventure land
Alta Mia – my thoughts take me there

the old man told me the sun
was seagreen colour there
in the sea the wise saw
cows by the side

he saw the seal in a musical
in silvercoloured shoes
in the market squares trotted tenfooters
in smokings with flowers

Alta Mira – it is the adventure land
Alta Mira – my thoughts take me there
Alta Mira – it is the adventure land
Alta Mia – my thoughts take me there

hey, Alta Mira, la-la-la-la-la-la-la

come on girl!
let’s sneak out of this party
it’s getting boring
there’s more to life than this

it’s still early morning
we could go down to the harbour
and jump between the boats
and see the sun come up

you know there’s more to life than this
you know there’s more to life

there’s more
to life than this
there’s more
to life than this

we could nick a boat
and sneak off to this island
i could bring my little ghetto-blaster
there’s more to life than this
but then we’d have to rush back
to the town’s best baker
to get the first bread of the morning
there’s more to life than this

you know there’s more to life than this
you know there’s more to life

there’s more
to life than this
there’s more
to life than this


in Valhalla long ago a fair boy
they put in chains
they hung him so high upon a cross
and they called him slave

Oliver, beloved Oliver
glorious Oliver
your ties get unwound

Oliver, gentle Oliver
modest Oliver
nu shivers all lands

nobody will understand the trials
he had to tolerate
he did it for me and you
for all the truth

Oliver, beloved Oliver
glorious Oliver
your ties get unwound

Oliver, gentle Oliver
modest Oliver
now shivers all lands

oh oh oh

Oliver, you travel in secret victory
you travel in secret vicory
yet your hand is so cold

Oliver you travel in secret victory
you travel in secret vicory
my loving hand

-break the ties now!-

Oliver, beloved Oliver
glorious Oliver
your ties get unwound

Oliver, gentle Oliver
modest Oliver
now shivers all lands


it was in the nighttrain in Cairo
where I found an arabian boy
who since that day never left my thoughts
I love him

he told me stories from his past
and sang of the water in the oasis and rivers
he drew pictures with magical lines
I love him

there was spring and sun
the next day I left to look for him
we went down the Nile
we didn’t need a car, just a dromedary

he went and showed me the pyramids
right by edge of Sahara sands
and his eyes shone by the white stones
I love him

by the bank of the Nile we walked and sang
about lifes joy, beauty and love
I feel inspirartion from foreign tongue
I love him

there was spring and sun
birds sung in choir when I found him
we went down the Nile
we didn’t need a car, just a dromedary

he left me with tear-wet eyes
on the railway station that day
when I was burning so hot of love
I knew I would never see him again

I often dream of my fair boy
and life is sweet in his presence
he has grown, for the years have passed
I love him

here back in Iceland i cried in lonliness
and searched for marks to remind me of him
I see his face in sticks and stones
I love him

there was spring and sun
the next day left I to look for him
we went down the Nile
we didn’t need a car, just a dromedary


my little girl, who plays so well
the day has passed and the night has come
time to take your clothes off now
fingers wash, what do you say?

give me a pillow and give me a cover
give me a bed wich has two sets of wings
there I will fly to the home of the mind
and go in a dream to the huge universe

fly then, my friend, in the mind
visit Venus and Mercury
there you will find a beautiful wife
who brings you presents, what do you say?

give me a pillow and give me a cover…

at Saturn they dance around the clock
clubs shoot with Uranus’ swing
in Neptunes town you may build your nest
move yourself quickly to Pluto, what do you say?

give me a pillow and give me a cover…


day after day
alone on a hill
the strange guy
where the rooster crowed

nobody wants to know about him
and they point where the fool goes
he still holds out alone

do you know about an elf from a hill
he sees a splendid sun
and his eyes see more
they see home, a hidden world

ask him for help
then he comes nicely
he who has thousand voices
whispers quickly the truth

nobody wants to listen to him
or the sounds in a secret song
he respects yet doesn’t know

do you know about an elf from a hill…

nobody wants to visit him
in the hut in the south with a lake
he still holds out on his own

do you know about an elf from a hill…

nobody wants to listen to him
and they point where the fool goes
he still holds out alone

do you know about an elf from a hill…

oh, oh, oh, oh…


I can not
mm-peacefully without you
for even
a moment
I miss you
when you’re away

he’s away
this ain’t right, I’m alone
I’m taking an aeroplane
across the world to
follow my heart

how come
out of all the people in the world
only one
can make me complete?
one word
one word on the phone
makes me happy
one touch
but one touch
directly makes me extatic

he’s away
this ain’t right, I’m alone
I’m taking an aeroplane
across the world to
follow my heart


if travel is searching
and home what’s been found
I’m not stopping

I’m going hunting
I’m the hunter
I’ll bring back the goods
but I don’t know when

I thought I could organize freedom
how Scandinavian of me!
you sussed it out, didn’t you?

you could smell it
so you left me on my own
to complete the mission
now I’m leaving it all behind

I’m going hunting
I’m the hunter, I’m the hunter
I’m going hunting
I’m the hunter
I’m the hunter
I’m the hunter
I’m the hunter
I’m … the … hunter…


Hugging shadows
Play with me
Enjoy and caress


the little boy crawls on his knees
crosses his hands so that God can see
hush – quiet – what?
the little boy who says his prayers

kind God don’t go away from Mom
she undresses me and bathes me and stays with me
then she dresses me in warm nightgown
God bless papa because I forgot

when I’m thinking about what I did today
to my mind comes a little song
I must not endanger my prayer
forgive me God, I nicely ask you to delay

my nightgown has got a hood
in the hood I can nicely hide my head
she covers my eyes and my forehead too
nobody knows that I am there

thank you God for a good day
did I forget something, what was it
I prayed for papa and thought about you
yes now I remember, God bless me

the little boy now sleeps sweetly
the day had passed the night has come
hush – quiet – what?
the little boy who said his prayers


I travel
all around the city
go in and out of
all alone

there’s no-one here
and people everywhere!

crying ’cause I need you
crying I can feel you
crying ’cause I need you
crying ’cause I care!

it’s a hot day
and i’m dressed lightly
I move carefully
through the crowd
here everyone are so vulnerable
and I’m as well

there’s no-one here
and people everywhere!

crying ’cause I need you
crying I can feel you
crying ’cause I need you
crying ’cause I care!

only if a ship would sail in
or just somebody came
and knocked on my door
or just, or just something!

crying ’cause I need you
crying I can feel you
crying ’cause I need you
crying ’cause I care!


I can sense it
something important
is about to happen
it’s coming up

it takes courage
to enjoy it
the hardcore and the gentle
a-big time sensuality


we just mm-met
and i know i’m a bit too intimate
but something huge is coming up
and we’re both included

it takes courage
to enjoy it
the hardcore and the gentle
big time sensuality

the ultimate-oh-hold-en

I don’t know my future
after this weekend
and I dont want to!

it takes courage
to enjoy it
the hardcore and the gentle
big time sensuality


he, hen-may-me-me


he-he-hen mela-hon-yeah!


not ’til you halo all over me
I’ll come over
not ’til it shimmers ’round your skull
I’ll be yours

I weave for you
the marvellous web
glow in the dark threads
all neon like

the cocoon surrounds you
embraces all
so you can sleep

and they will assist us
’cause we’re asking for help

and the lu-mi-neous beam
it feeds you

en-cha-a-a-haa! cha-a-a-haa!

the soft distortion
fills you up
nourish, nourish
your turtleheart

and they will assist us
’cause we’re asking for help

and the lu-mi-neous beam
it feeds you

en-cha-a-a-haa! cha-a-a-haa!

don’t get angry with yourself
don’t, don’t get angry with yourself

I’ll heal you

with a razorblade
I’ll cut a slit open
and the lumineous beam
heals you honey, heals you

don’t get angry with yourself
don’t get angry with yourself
don’t get angry with yourself
don’t get angry with yourself

I’ll heal you
I’ll heal you
I’ll heal you

his wicked
a-sense of humour
exciting sex
his fingers
they focus on her
he’s venus as a boy


he believes in a beauty
he’s venus as a boy
he believes in a beauty

he believes in a beauty
he’s venus as a boy
he believes in a beauty

he’s exploring
the taste of her
so accurate
he sets off
the beauty in her
he’s venus
a-venus as a boy


he believes in a beauty
he’s venus as a boy
he believes in a beauty

he believes in a beauty
he’s venus as a boy
he believes in a beauty

oooh, sedan-mi


stop confusing me
with your wishful thinking
hopeful embraces
don’t you understand?
I have to go through this
I belong to here
where no-one cares and no-one loves
no light, no air to live in
a place called hate
the city of fear


I play dead
it stops the hurting
I play dead
and the hurt stops
its sometimes just like sleeping
curling up inside my private tortures
I nestle into pain
hug suffering
caress every ache


I play dead
it stops the hurting


I’m a fountain of blood
in the shape of a girl
you’re the bird on the brim
hypnotised by the whirl

drink me, make me feel real
wet your beak in the stream
game we’re playing is life
love’s a two way dream

leave me now, return tonight
tide will show you the way
if you forget my name
you will go astray
like a killer whale
trapped in a bay

I’m a path of cinders
burning under your feet
you’re the one who walks me
I’m your one way street

I’m a whisper in water
a secret for you to hear
you’re the one who grows distant
when I beckon you near

leave me now, return tonight
the tide will show you the way
if you forget my name
you will go astray
like a killer whale
trapped in a bay

I’m a tree that grows hearts
one for each that you take
you’re the intruders hand
I’m the branch that you break

hoah-ham de-me
ah, en-bisan-do


Scatters from a bigger hole
Looking, knowing
Never the less
On the other side of a big river
Monster hidden behind a tree
Anna knew….
Anna doesn’t see never the less
So nice hands
Come to me
Me touch you
No no what
So nice hands
With me
I am it
Cuts through the water
Shaken out of rising standing
Sense, touch
Not for the first time
No no what
So nice hands
Not touch that
The neck
Anna, I am it
Move, move, move
No not longer what
On the other side o a big river
Lies her own body
Anna, sinking
Anna is not here, sinking deeper


The house there
Something real
With a spire
Into the air
Threadless touch
I know the power
Raised fist
Pointing up
It’s the power
The house there
Somewhere to go
Straight line
The house of spire
To prey for all
I know the power
Pointing up
Raised fist
Exploding penis
In the house there
Innocent people
With threadless connection
Asking for forgiveness
The house there
Got a spire


Pedalling through
The dark currents
I find
An accurate copy
A blueprint
Of the pleasure
In me

Swirling black lilies totally ripe
A secret code carved
Swirling black lilies totally ripe
A secret code carved

He offers
A handshake
Five fingers
They form a pattern
Yet to be matched

On the surface simplicity
But the darkest pit in me
Its pagan poetry
Pagan poetry

Morsecoding signals (signals)
They pulsate (wake me up) and wake me up
(pulsate) from my hibernating

On the surface simplicity
Swirling black lilies totally ripe
But the darkest pit in me
Its pagan poetry
Swirling black lilies totally ripe
Pagan poetry

Swirling black lilies totally ripe

I love him, I love him
I love him, I love him
I love him, I love him
I love him, I love him
She loves him, she loves him

This time
She loves him, she loves him
Im gonna keep it to myself
She loves him, she loves him
She loves him, she loves him
This time
Im gonna keep me all to myself
She loves him, she loves him
And he makes me want to hand myself over
She loves him, she loves him
She loves him, she loves him
And he makes me want to hand