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The Nobel Prize in Literature 1945
“for her lyric poetry which, inspired by powerful emotions, has made her name a symbol of the idealistic aspirations of the entire Latin American world”
Gabriela Mistral (pen-name of Lucila Godoy y Alcayaga) , Chile.
Gabriela Mistral (1889-1957), pseudonym for Lucila Godoy y Alcayaga, was born in Vicuña, Chile. The daughter of a dilettante poet, she began to write poetry as a village schoolteacher after a passionate romance with a railway employee who committed suicide. She taught elementary and secondary school for many years until her poetry made her famous. She played an important role in the educational systems of Mexico and Chile, was active in cultural committees of the League of Nations, and was Chilean consul in Naples, Madrid, and Lisbon. She held honorary degrees from the Universities of Florence and Guatemala and was an honorary member of various cultural societies in Chile as well as in the United States, Spain, and Cuba. She taught Spanish literature in the United States at Columbia University, Middlebury College, Vassar College, and at the University of Puerto Rico.
The love poems in memory of the dead, Sonetos de la muerte (1914), made her known throughout Latin America, but her first great collection of poems, Desolación [Despair], was not published until 1922. In 1924 appeared Ternura [Tenderness], a volume of poetry dominated by the theme of childhood; the same theme, linked with that of maternity, plays a significant role in Tala, poems published in 1938. Her complete poetry was published in 1958.
From Nobel Lectures, Literature 1901-1967, Editor Horst Frenz, Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1969
This autobiography/biography was first published in the book series Les Prix Nobel. It was later edited and republished in Nobel Lectures. To cite this document, always state the source as shown above.
Gabriela Mistral died on January 10, 1957.
Works in Spanish
Desolación. – New York : Instituto de las Españas, 1922
Ternura : canciones de niños. – Madrid : Saturnino Calleja, 1924
Tala. – Buenos Aires : Sur, 1938
Los sonetos de la muerte y otros poemas elegíacos. – Santiago : Philobiblion, 1952
Lagar. – Santiago, 1954
Croquis mexicanos; Gabriela Mistral en México. – México : Costa-Amic, 1957
Recados : Contando a Chile. – Santiago : Editorial del Pacífico, 1957
Poesías completas. – Madrid : Aguilar, 1958
Páginas en prosa. – Buenos Aires : Kapelusz, 1962
Motivos de San Francisco. – Santiago : Editorial del Pacífico, 1965
Poema de Chile. – Barcelona : Pomaire, 1967
Antología poética de Gabriela Mistral. – Santiago : Editorial Universitaria, 1974
Materias : prosa inédita. – Santiago : Editorial Universitaria, 1978
Gabriela anda por el mundo. – Santiago : Andrés Bello, 1978
Prosa religiosa de Gabriela Mistral. – Santiago : Andrés Bello, 1978
Magisterio y niño. – Santiago : Andrés Bello, 1979
Grandeza de los oficios. – Santiago : Andrés Bello, 1979
Elogio de las cosas de la tierra. – Santiago : Andrés Bello, 1979
Reino : Poesía dispersa e inédita, en verso y prosa. – Valparaíso : Ediciones Universitarias de Valparaíso, 1983
Lagar II. – Santiago : Dirreción de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos, Biblioteca Nacional, 1991
Poesía y prosa. – Caracas : Biblioteca Ayacucho, 1993
Bendita mi lengua sea : Diario íntima de Gabriela Mistral, 1905-1956. – Santiago : Planeta/Ariel, 2002
Recopilación de la obra mistraliana, 1902-1922 – Santiago : Ril, 2002
50 prosas en El Mercurio 1921-1956. – Santiago : El Mercurio/Aguilar, 2005
Gabriela Mistral esencial: Poesía, prosa y correspondencia. – Santiago : Aguilar Chilena de Ediciones, 2005
Translations into English
Selected Poems of Gabriela Mistral / translated by Langston Hughes. – Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 1957
Selected Poems of Gabriela Mistral / translated and edited by Doris Dana. – Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1971
A Gabriela Mistral Reader / translated by Maria Giachetti, edited by Marjorie Agosín. – Fredonia, N.Y. : White Pines, 1993
Women / translated by Jacqueline C. Nanfito, edited by Agosín and Nanfito. – Buffalo : White Pine Press, 2001
Selected Prose and Prose-Poems / edited and translated by Stephen Tapscott. – Austin : University of Texas Press, 2002
Selected Poems of Gabriela Mistral / translated by Ursula K. Le Guin. – Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press, 2003
The Swedish Academy, 2007