Фотография памятника Ингрид Йонкер на Гордонз бэй (ЮАР)

Фотография памятника Ингрид Йонкер на Гордонз бэй (ЮАР)

Ingrid Jonker Memorial at Gordon’s Bay

Also known as South Africa’s Sylvia Plath because of the intensity of her work and the tragic course of her turbulent life. Ingrid Jonker (19 September 1933 – 19 July 1965)

At the base of the monumnet are the words of her poem which was read by Nelson Mandela, Die kind : wat doodgeskiet is deur soldate by Nyanga) (The child : who was shot dead by soldiers at Nyanga)), in Afrikaans, during his address at the opening of the first democratic parliament on May 24, 1994.