Биографическая статья о  Мэри О’Доннелл, библиография, переводы (на английском языке)

Биографическая статья о Мэри О’Доннелл, библиография, переводы (на английском языке)

Mary O’Donnell was born in Monaghan, educated at St. Louis Convent Monaghan and later at St. Patrick’s College Maynooth. She holds a BA in German and Philosophy (Maynooth, 1977), has studied German to MA level and received a first class honours Higher Diploma in Education at Maynooth (1983).


Three collections of poetry, all with Salmon Publishing: Reading the Sunflowers in September, 1990 (nominated for an Irish Times Literature Award); Spiderwoman’s Third Avenue Rhapsody, 1993; and Unlegendary Heroes, 1998 (also nominated for an Irish Times Literature Award). Fiction includes the best-selling literary novel The Light-Makers, 1992 & 1993 (named The Sunday Tribune’s Best New Irish Novel 1992); Virgin and the Boy, 1996 and a collection of short stories, Strong Pagans, 1991. Her critically acclaimed third novel, The Elysium Testament, was published by Trident Press in the UK and Ireland last year and will be published in Germany in 2001.

Edited The Letterbox, the first County Laois anthology of creative writing, published at the end of her residency there. Mary’s poems, essays and translations have appeared in the following literary magazines and journals:

Irish Studies Review
Poetry Ireland Review The Honest Ulsterman WP JournalKrinoIrish University ReviewThe Seneca ReviewThe Literary Review (NJ)Solo (CA)Artlife (CA) Oxford Poetry (UK)Poetry Review (UK)Orbis (UK)The Whoseday BookThe White Page/An Bhileog Bhanand many others.


Mary O’Donnell’s work has been translated into French and Rumanian. Her translations of the Austrian poet Ingeborg Bachmann are forthcoming from Dedalus Press, and her Selected Poems will be published by Eastern Washington University in 2002.


February 1991, for The Kate O’Brien Weekend, Limerick city: The Writer As Storyteller.

Spring/Summer 1993: Essay in the Irish University Review Special Issue on poet Eavan Boland: In Her Own Image: An Assertion that Myths are made by Men, by the Poet in Transition.

Autumn 1993: O Magnificent Why! Essay/Foreword to Spatial Nosing, New and Selected Poems by Eithne Strong.

January 1994: Lecture for the W.B. Yeats Winter School, Sligo: Yeats and Personal Utterance “as though in a letter to a personal friend.”

July 1994: Lecture for the James Joyce Summer School: ‘Better pass boldly into that other world, in the full glory of some passion “the writer, imagination and Joyce,”

1995: Goldsmith Summer School: ‘Sweet Poetry, in these degenerate times of shame .’ Goldsmith and a scientific social culture.

April 1995: for the post-graduate Cultural Tourism students at National University of Ireland Maynooth, and for Irish University Review, Spring 1996: “Rough hands and a sick culture” The Writer and Cultural Tourism.

January 1996: W.B. Yeats Winter School, Sligo: “A writer’s life is an experiment in living: what Yeats knew, every modern writer should know.”


Mary is an experienced broadcaster who, during 1997-1998, compiled and presented RTE Radio 1’s weekly poetry programme, The Darkness Echoing (presenter: Seamus Hosey); from 1992-1994 she compiled and presented the poetry programme, Along The Backwater (producer: Micheal Holmes), with accompanying music choices, also RTE Radio’s Christmas Eve broadcast, called A Candle in Every Window. Apart from that, Mary has worked intermittently in broadcasting since 1982, contributing to such programmes as The Arts Show, Sunday Miscellany, The Sunday Show, The Book Programme, Off the Shelf, Just a Thought, etc.

She has scripted and presented programmes on the following subjects:

the writer Flannery O’Connor, Nobel Prize winning writer Elias Canetti, the Polish poets of the post-Second World War period, including Tadeusz Rosewicz and Cseslaw Milosz, and Sweden’s national poet Edith Sodergran.


H. Dip. Practice in Moyle Park, Clondalkin, 1982-1983; Teacher of German, English, French & Drama at Holy Faith Clontarf, 1985-1988; Writer-in-residence and teacher of creative writing for post-graduate students at University College Dublin, 1994; Writer-in-residence and teacher of creative writing to both adults and second level students, County Laois,1996; Lecturer in German, American College Dublin, 1996; Member of Faculty/Creative Writing Teacher on the University of Iowa’s Irish Writing Program, Trinity College, Dublin, summer 1998, 1999 and 2000 (at TCD and Queen’s University, Belfast). This workshop was part of an academic, credit-based course of Irish Studies for students selected from throughout the U.S.; Creative writing teacher at the Irish Writers’ Centre, Parnell Square, Dublin, on a number of occasions; One-day workshop facilitator, Eastern Washington University Summer Program, Irish Writers’ Centre, August 2000.


In autumn 1991 Mary O’Donnell spent 5 weeks as an exchange artist at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts (USA).

1992, Arts Council Bursary in Literature.

1993, guest of the Finnish Writers’ Union in, as part of an exchange with the Irish Writers’ Union.

June 1994, Irish participant in the Festival franco-anglais de poesie, a translation workshop during which some of the work of 6 English speaking and 6 French speaking poets was discussed and translated.

Spring 1996, reading and discussion from her work at San Francisco State University and at Berkeley, California.

September 1996, participant in the Tour of Irish Writers reading at seven different venues throughout Germany prior to the Frankfurt Bookfair.

Recipient of the ‘Suspended Sentence’ Residency to Australia and a participant at the Sydney International Writers’ Festival in May 2001.

From 1989-1991 she worked as The Sunday Tribune’s drama critic and reviewed hundreds of plays in theatre both in Dublin and nationwide, as well as the Edinburgh Theatre Festival, contributing on a regular basis to RTE Radio’s The Arts Show; Kaleidoscope (BBC 4), and the RTE television programmes Arts Express and The Book Programme.

She was a consulting editor for First Edition, the Cavan-based arts review.

She is a member of the Irish Writers’ Union and has served for three years as an external representative for arts and culture on the Governing Authority of N.U.I. Maynooth.