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Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda
Bibliography in the Loyola/Notre Dame Library
- Gómez de Avellaneda, Gertrudis. Sab and the Autobiography. Translated and Edited by Nina M. Scott. Austin: University of Texas, 1993.
- Gуmez de Avellaneda y Arteaga, Gertrudis. Autobiografнa y epistolarios de amor. Ed. Alexander Roselló-Selimov. Newark: Juan de la Cuesta, 1999.
Critical Works in English on Avellaneda’s Fiction:
- Barreto, Reina. “Subversion in Gertrudis Gуmez de Avellaneda’s Sab“. Decimonуnica 3.1 (Winter/Invierno 2006): n/p.
Castagnaro, R. Anthony. The Early Spanish American Novel. New York: Las Americas, 1971; “The Anti-Slavery Theme”, 157-168.
- Fox-Lockert, Lucía. “Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda: Sab (1841)”. Women Novelists in Spain and Spanish America. Metuchen, N.J: The Scarecrow Press, 1979.
- Gold, Janet N. “The Feminine Bond: Victimization and Beyond in the Novels of Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda”. Spanish American Literature: From Romanticism to “Modernismo” in Latin America. Eds. David William Foster & Daniel Altamiranda. New York: Garland Publishing Co., 1997: 91-98.
- Harter, Hugh. A. Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1981.
- —. “Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda”. Spanish American Women Writers. Ed. Diane E. Marting. Westport: Greenwood Press 1990, pp. 210-225.
- Hart, Stephen M. “Is Women’s Writing in Spanish America Gender-Specific?”, MLN 110 (1995): 335-352. Examines Gómez de Avellaneda in a context with other Latin American women authors.
- Kirkpatrick, Susan. “Feminizing the Romantic Subject in Narrative: Gómez de Avellaneda”. Las Románticas: Women Writers and Subjectivity in Spain, 1835-1850. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989: 133-173.
- Kirkpatrick, Susan. “Gómez de Avellaneda’s Sab: Gendering the Liberal Romantic Subject”. In the Feminine Mode: Essays on Hispanic Women Writers. Eds, Noel Valis and Carol Maier. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 1990: 115-130.
- Lindstron, Naomi. Early Spanish American Narrative. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2004; sobre Gomez de Avellaneda, 99-103.
- Mata-Kolster, Elba. “Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda (1814-1873)”. Latin American Writers. Vol. I. Ed. Solé/Abreu. NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1989, pp. 175-180.
- Miller, Beth. “Gertrude the Great: Avellaneda, Nineteenth-Century Feminist”. Women in Hispanic Literature, Icons and Fallen Idols. Ed. Beth Miller. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983: 201-214.
- Pastor, Brígida. “A Romance Life in Novel Fiction: The Early Career and Works of Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda”. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 75.2 (1998): 169-181.
- Servera, Josй. “Introducciуn”. Sab. Madrid: Cбtedra, 1999: 9-93.
- Schlau, Stacey. “Stranger in a Strange Land: The Discourse of Alienation in Gómez de Avellaneda’s Abolitionist Novel Sab“. Hispania 69.3 (September 1986): 495-503.
- Scott, Nina. ”Introduction”. Sab and Autobiography. By Gómez de Avellaneda. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1993.
- —. “Shoring up the ‘Weaker Sex’. Avellaneda and Nineteenth-Century Gender Ideology”. Reinterpreting the Spanish American Essay. Women Writers of the 19th and 20th Centuries. Ed. Doris Meyer. Austin: University of Texas, 1995: 57-67.
- Sommer, Doris. “Sab C’est Moi”. Foundational Fictions. The National Romances of Latin America. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991.
- Various authors [and critical review]. “Gertrudis Gуmez de Avellaneda, 1814-1873”. Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism, Volume 111. Ed. Lynn M. Zott. Detroit: Thomson Gale, 2002: 1-76.
- Ward, Thomas. “Gertrudis Gуmez de Avellaneda’s Sab: A Cuban Novel in a Latin American Context.” In Changing Currents: Transnational Caribbean Literary and Cultural Criticism. Eds. Emily Allen Williams & Melvin Rahming. Trenton, NJ/Asmara, Eritrea: Africa World Press, 2006: 93-117.
Crítica en castellano sobre la ficciуn de la Avellaneda:
- Alzaga, Florinda. La Avellaneda: Intensidad y vanguardia. Miami. Ediciones Universal, 1997.
- Araujo, Nara. “Constantes ideomáticas en la Avellaneda”. Revista Iberoamericana 56 (1990): 715-722.
- Carlos, Alberto J. “René, Werther y La Nouvelle Héloise en la primera novela de la Avellaneda”. Revista Iberoamericana 31 (Julio-diciembre 1965): 223-238.
- Gonzalez Ascorra, Marta Irene. La evolución de la conciencia femenina a través de las novelas de Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, Soledad Acosta de Samper y Mercedes Cabello de Carbonera. New York/Bern: Peter Lang, 1997; sobre Dolores, 17-33; sobre Dos mujeres, 35-53.
- González del Valle, Luis T. “Iniquidad oficial y objeción individual en la España decimonónica a través de algunas cartas inéditas de Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda”. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies LXXVII, (December 2000): 451-478.
- Guerra, Lucía. “Estrategias femeninas en la elaboración del sujeto romántico en la obra de Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda”. Revista Iberoamericana 51 (1985): 707-722.
- Ines, Raúl. “La esfericidad del papel: Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, la condesa de Marlín, y la literatura de viajes”. Revista Iberoamericana 63 (Ene-Jun 1997): 209-218.
- Meléndez, Concha. La novela indianista en Hispanoámerica (1832-1889). Río Piedras: Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1961.
- Meléndez, Mariselle. “Obreras del pensamiento y educadoras de la nación: El sujeto femenino en la ensayística femenina decimonónica de transición.” Revista Iberoamericana 64:184-185 (July-Dic 1998): 573-586. Este estudio compara la obra de Gуmez de Avellaneda con la de Juana Manuela Gorriti y la de Clorinda Matto de Turner
- Ponseti, Helena Percas. “Sobre la Avellaneda y su novela Sab“. Revista Iberoamericana 28 (1962): 347-57.
- Roselló-Selimov, Alexander. “La verdad vence apariencias: Hacia la ética de Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda a través de su prosa”. Hispanic Review 67.2 (1999): 215-41.
- —. “El romanticismo y la poética de la cultura modernista”. Hispanic Review 71.1 (Winter 2003): 107-125.
- —. De la ilustraciуn al modernismo: la poйtica de la cultura romбntica en el discurso de Gertrudis Gуmez de Avellaneda. Boulder: Society of Spanish and Spanish-American Studies, 2003.
- Santos, Nelly E. “Las ideas feministas de Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda”. From Romanticism to “Modernismo” in Latin America. Eds. David William Foster & Daniel Altamiranda. New York: Garland Publishing Company, 1997.
- Servera, Josй. “Introducciуn”. Sab de Gertrudis Gуmez de Avellaneda. Madrid: Cбtedra: 1999: 9-93.
Related Works:
- Alonso, Carlos. “Strange Fruit: The Discourse of the Cuban Antislavery Novel”, The Burdon of Modernity. The Rhetoric of Cultural Discourse in Spanish America. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998: 66-83.
- Cobb, Martha K. “Bibliographical Essay: An Appraisal of Latin American Slavery Through Literature”, The Journal of Negro History 58.4 (Oct., 1973): 460-469.
- Geisdorfer Feal, Rosemary. “Afro-Hispanic Writers in Latin American Literary History”. Literary Cultures of Latin America: A Comparative History. Eds. Mario J. Valdйs & Djelal Kadir. 3 Vols. Vol 1: Configurations of Literary Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004: I: 240-245.
- Hoerder, Dirk. Cultures in Contact: World Migrations in the Second Millennium. Durham/London: Duke University Press, 2002, esp. “Africa and the Slave Migration System” & “Forced Labor Migration in and to the Americas,”139-162, 234-256.
- Jackson, Richard L. “Black Phoebia and White Aesthetic in Spanish American Literature”. Hispania 58.3 (September 1975): 467-480.
- —. “Research on Black Themes in Spanish American Literature: A Bibliographic Guide to Recent Trends”. Latin American Research Review 12.1 (1977): 87-103.
- Kirkpatrick, Susan. “The Romantic Self and Gender”. Las Románticas: Women Writers and Subjectivity in Spain, 1835-1850. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989: 1-35.
- Martнnez Montiel, Luz Marнa. “African Orality in the Literary Culture of the Caribbean”. Literary Cultures of Latin America: A Comparative History. Eds. Mario J. Valdйs & Djelal Kadir. 3 Vols. Vol 1: Configurations of Literary Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004: I, 460-470.
- Medeiros-Lichem, Marнa Teresa. Reading the Feminine Voice in Latin American Women’s Fiction. Bern: Peter Lang, 2002: For an introduction to feminine writing see “Introduction”, 1-26; For the feminist theoretical debate see “The Current Latin American Feminist Literary Debate”, 27-52.
- Romeo Fivel-Demoret, Sharon. “The Production and Consumption of Propaganda Literature: The Cuban Anti-Slavery Novel”. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 66.1 (1989): 1-12.
- Solow, Barbara L., ed. Slavery and the Rise of the Atlantic System. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
- Unzueta, Fernando. The Critics. Scenes of Reading: Imagining Nations/Romancing History. Beyond Imagined Communities: Reading and Writing the Nation in Nineteenth-Century Latin America. Eds. Sara Castro-Klarйn & John Charles Chasteen. Washington/Baltimore: Woodrow Wilson Center/Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003: 115-160.
- Smith, Anthony. Ethnic Origins of Nations. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986.
- Weaver, Frederick Stirton. “Competitive Capitalist Industrialization, Free Trade Imperialism, and Latin American Independence, 1700-1850”. Latin America in the World Economy: mercantile Colonialism to Global Capitalism. Boulder: Westview Press, 2000: 25-54.