Published under the name of Renée Vivien:
1901 – Études et Préludes – Poetry inspired by her relationship with Natalie Barney, mingled with neoclassical references, plus early works. Cover art by Lucien Lévy-Dhurmer. Revised in 1903.
1902 – Cendres et Poussières (Ashes and Dust) – Poetry based on Natalie, the death of her childhood friend Violet Shilleto, and increasing neoclassicism, invoking Sappho: whose more accurate name, she discovered, is Psappha. Cover by Lévy-Dhurmer. Revised in 1903.
1902 – Brumes de Fjords (Fog of the Fjords) – Poems in Prose; short allegorical tales.
1903 – La Dame à la Louve (The Woman of the Wolf) – Short stories. Cover by Lévy-Dhurmer. Translated into English in 1983 by Karla Jay and Yvonne M. Klein. The title story was filmed in the 1990s by Greta Schiller of Jezebel Productions.
1903 – Évocations – Poetry and a short play further invoking the spirit of Psappha and the ancient world, combined with further explorations of her feelings regarding Natalie,Violet, her next lover Hélène, and diverse subjects. A lengthy book, revised in 1905. Cover by Lévy-Dhurmer.
1903 – Une Femme m’apparut (A Woman Appeared to Me) – A symbolist novel based on her romance with Natalie and involving characters from their circle, tempered by an allegorical figure, San Giovanni. Cover and an illustration of Vivien’s poem Our Lady of the Fevers by Lévy-Dhurmer, a reproduction of John the Baptist by Leonardo Da Vinci, and musical notations from various composers at the beginning of each chapter, to set the mood. Revised in 1905, with less harshness towards Natalie.Translated into English in 1976 by Jeanette Foster.
1903 – La Vénus des Aveugles (The Venus of the Blind) – Poems based on further neoclassical studies and her travels. Cover by Lévy-Dhurmer.
1903 – Du vert au violet (From Green to Violet) – Allegorical poems in prose which explore her views on the nature of humanity, love and death.
1903 – Sapho – A biography of Psappha, followed by the Sapphic fragments translated from Greek into French, and accompanied by poems inspired by Psappha’s work. Cover by Lévy-Dhurmer.
1904 – Les Kitharèdes (The Women of the Kithara) – Fragments from the Greek Anthology by and about women translated into French with accompanying poems. The title refers to a type of ancient harp. Cover and illustrations of the various Greek authors, based on friends of Vivien, by Lévy-Dhurmer.
1906 – A l’Heure des Mains jointes (At the Hour of Joined Hands) – Poetry furthering explorations of her emotional life, studies, and travels. A note of bitterness regarding the world’s reception of her work’s candor seems to anticipate the negative reaction from critics of this volume, which led to the start of her breakdown. Cover by Lévy-Dhurmer.
1907 – Le Christ, Aphrodite, et M. Pepin – Two articles of satire, both written as journalistic reports, concerning how the second coming of Christ and the appearance of Aphrodite on the banks of the Seine would have been treated by newspapers of the time.
1907 – Flambeaux éteints (Extinguished Flambeau) – A short volume of love poetry.
1908 – L’Album de Sylvestre – A collection of aphorisms, seemingly a satire after the style of Natalie Barney.
1908 – Sillages (Sea-Wakes) – Poetry and a play, touching on her usual themes.
1909 – Poèmes – A collection of 63 poems from previous works. In 1977, a selection of poems was translated under the title of The Muse of the Violets by Margaret Porter and Catherine Kroger, introduced by an article written for the Mercure de France by Louise Faure-Favier, and translated by Jeanette Foster.
1909 – Poèms en Prose – Four prose poems taken from Brumes de Fjords.
1909 – Sapho et Huit Poétesses Grecques (Sappho and Eight Greek Female Poets) – Translations from Greek into French, published anonymously and attributed to Vivien.
Nov. 18, 1909 – The death of Renée Vivien from pnemonia, probably exacerbated by at least one suicide attempt, voluntary fasting and years of alcohol, chloral hydrate, and laudanum abuse. The following works (under Vivien) were all published posthumously.
1909 – Le Vent des Vaisseaux (The Wind of the Ships) – Poetry based on her travels by ship and the demons which plague an author.
1910 – Dans un Coin de Violettes (In a Patch of Violets) – A small volume of poetry in tribute to Violet.
1910 – Haillons (Tatters) – A volume of poetry filled with pain and despair, ending with the verse which is engraved on Vivien’s tomb.
1917 – Vagabondages (Vagrancies) – Poems in prose, possibly her last completed work. Short allegorical vignettes which reveal the changes taken place in her psyche as she struggles to find hope and meaning in a life filled with emotional turmoil.
1923, 1924 – Poèmes de Renée Viven, vols. 1 & 2 – Vivien’s 12 volumes of poetry were bound in a 2-volume set. Reprinted in 1934 as Poèsies Complètes de Renée Vivien.
1982 – Anne Boleyn – Vivien’s unfinished biography of Anne Boleyn.
1982 – Le Jardin Turc (The Turkish Garden) – 10 letters by Vivien to Kerimé Turkan-Pacha, an admirer from Constantinople who became a long-distance lover. Reprinted in 1998 as Letters de Renée Vivien à Kerimé.
1983 – Correspondances Croisées (Crossed Correspondances) – The letters between Renée Vivien and Natalie Barney.)
Published under Pauline Tarn:
1894 – Poèmes de Jeunesse – Youthful poems and a letter to her teacher, Charles Brun, reprinted in the magazine Création.
1907 – Chansons Pour Mon Ombre (Songs for My Shadow) – A selection of 27 poems chosen by Vivien. The title was taken from a poem in La Vénus des Aveugles.
1909 – Vers à Marie (Verses for Mary) – Poetry. According to J. P. Goujon, one of Vivien’s biographers, no examples of this have yet been found.
1909 – Pour My Soer (For my Sister) – Poetry.
1912 – The One Black Swan – Prose poems, in English.
Published under Paule Riversdale, the name used by Vivien & Hélène de Zuylen de Nyevelt in collaboration:
1903 – Échos et Reflets (Echoes and Reflections) – Poetry. Cover by Lévy-Dhurmer.
1903 – Vers L’Amour (Towards Love) – Poetry.
1904 – L’Etre Double (The Double Being) – A novel. Cover by Lévy-Dhurmer.
1904 – Netsuké – A novel.
Published under Hélène de Zuylen de Nyevelt (attributed at least in part to Vivien):
1904 – Effeuillements (Falling Leaves) – Poetry.
1905 – Copeaux (Chips) – A large volume of prose poems, stories and plays.
1905 – L’Impossible Sincérité (Impossible Sincerity)- A play.
1907 – Comédie dans un Jardin (Comedy in a Garden) – A play.
1907 – Le Chemin du Souvenir (The Way of Memory) – A play.
1910 – L’Inoublée (The Unforgotten) – A series of short stories in tribute to Vivien.
Published under Hélène de Zuylen de Nyevelt; believed to be her work alone.
1906 – La Mascarade Interrompue (The Interrupted Mascarade) – A play.
1908 – Béryl – A play, which furthers the intrigues of L’Impossible Sincérité.
1912 – La Dernière étreinte (The Last Embrace) – A novel.
1914 – L’Enjoleuse (The Coaxer) – A novel.