Биография Мирты Агирре Каррерас (на английском языке). Фото поэтессы.
Aguirre, Mirta ( 1912 – 1980 ) Being very young she joined revolutionary struggles. She joined the Communist Party of Cuba in 1932. During Gerardo Machado dictatorship she exiled in Mexico. In 1939 she was delegate to the Feminine National Congress held in Havana. She became Doctor in Laws in 1941. She has made special sudies Literature, Music and Marxist Philosophy. |
In 1948 she attended to the Peace Congresses held in Parнs and New York. She has been active member of the Youth Communist League, the Anti Imperialis League, the International Workerґs Defense the Communist Party of Cuba and the el Peoplesґ Socialist Party. She worked in the National Commission for Intellectual work of the el Peoplesґ Socialist Party during its working stage. She was Vice President of the Democratic Federation of Cuban Women and political responsible of the Sociedad Cultural Nuestro Tiempo (Culural Society Our Time). She worked as radio and tevision scriptwriter, editor and translater. She was in charge of movies, theatre and music of Hoy newspaper for many years.
She has also collaborated in Mensajes, Mediodнa, La Ъltima Hora, La Palabra, Revista Lyceum, Cuba Socialista, Casa de las Amйricas, Universidad de La Habana. She was co-editor of the Gaceta del Caribe (1944) and Vice Director of La Ъltima Hora (weekly publication) (1951-1954). She belong to the Editorial Staff of Nuestro Tiempo and Cuadernos de Arte y Ciencia. After the Triumph of the Revolution (January 1959) she was Directoress of the Section of Theatre and Dance of the Consejo Nacional de Cultura (National Council of Culure). From 1962 she joined, the School of Arts and Letters at the University of Havana as a professor,. Besides, she directed her Departament in Hispanic Languages and Literatures.
She has collaborated in the Cuadernos H of the Faculty of Humanities. Member of the Communist Party of Cuba. She has distinguished as a lecturer. She wrote the Introducciуn a la ediciуn cubana de El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha (Havana, Cuban Institute of Book, 1972). When she died she directed the Institute of Lliterature and Linguнstics of the Academy of Scinces of Cuba. She used the pseudonyms: Rosa Iznaga, Rita Agumerri and Luis Robles Garza.